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Historical Pandemics and Perspective - Israel in the Crosshairs - Part 15 (Inside Job)

“With the millions of people that Crooked Joe Biden has allowed into the United States through his ridiculous Open Borders Policy, mostly young men, and large numbers of TERRORISTS, the U.S. is more vulnerable from inside terror attacks than at any time in its history, BY FAR! MAGA” – President Trump


Abroad, American troops have been under attack by Iranian-backed proxies in both Iraq and Syria as the Biden Administration continues to dither. Fox News reported that “Iran-backed militias in Iraq have claimed they were responsible for an attack on U.S. forces at a strategic base in southeastern Syria.” They promise more.


“For nearly a decade, our service members have been in the middle of a Syrian civil war in which the U.S. has no discernible interest. Now, as regional tensions escalate around the Israel-Hamas conflict, these troops are in heightened danger, as evidenced by today’s attack.” – Rep. Matt Gaetz


Pray it does not come to our land.





“The most powerful country in the world is falling so fast, that it makes you rethink what are the real reasons. Something so big and powerful can't be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within.” - Nayib Bukele, President of El Salvador


Our judicial system is seriously corrupt, politicized, and sold out to the Left’s political agenda. It is broken. Our persecutors and judges are becoming pawns of the Deep State. Remember what they did to General Flynn. Many of our judges are playing the role of Plaintiff, while also playing Judge and Jury.


I am not meaning to issue a blanket indictment of all of our judges and prosecutors; there is no doubt many honest men of integrity left within our judicial system. But, the corrupt must be removed – many should serve jail-time.


Second only to free and fair elections, this is the most salient threat to our democracy.


Liz Wheeler has sobering words for all the people criticizing Jenna Ellis for pleading guilty to one count, accusing her of “flipping” on Trump.


“Perhaps you fail to understand the police state we’re living under.


Imagine facing false accusations from a deeply dishonest Soros-funded prosecutor and NOT BEING ABLE TO TRUST A JURY to protect you from unjust convictions. It should make you sick to your stomach.


So you’re asking her to sacrifice the next decade of her life in prison for a “crime” she didn’t commit… because she can’t win in system rigged against conservatives by leftists who hate us? That’s stupid of you.


Maybe instead of blaming Jenna, you should channel righteous indignation into actually restoring our government into the JUST system of government it’s supposed to be, instead of b*tching on Twitter all the time that someone ELSE won’t cave to the left’s evil targeting & go to jail.


And don’t think the left won’t come for you next. All these bogus charges are attacks on free speech. Next time you opine about a political issue, will YOU have to choose between freedom & prison? And God forbid you need a lawyer to represent you; what lawyer in their right mind would give you advice if they KNOW the left will try to imprison them for it.


May God have mercy on America."


While I wish she and Sydney Powell had not taken the plea deal, we have to put ourselves in their shoes. We should not expect our women to fight this battle.


On the other hand we must pray God raise-up patriots, men of the ilk of our Founding Fathers, who risked and sacrificed everything for our freedom.


Rudy may very well be one:


“Don’t be so cynical. There are still many Americans who put their dedication to the truth and justice above all else.” - Rudy W. Giuliani





“We are in the middle of the biggest display of raw, murderous anti-Semitism in the history of America. There have never been mobs marching through the streets of our cities shouting ‘Death to the Jews’ until now.” – ACT for America


It is hard to hear the truth, when the lie is so loud.


The People’s Voice raises very troubling concerns regarding the Hamas attack on Israel. It is looking more and more like an inside job – both inside of Israel and America.


“First of all, we will start with September 1st. The Israeli government confiscated the weapons of the security teams in the Gaza belt communities. This was done against the will of those security teams. Why this happened, nobody knows.


Fast forward to September 10th, the municipalities received reports, these are civilians, they received reports of increased tensions on the Gaza border on Jewish holidays. These span from Yom Kippur to Shemini Atzeret, which was on Saturday.


Those same heads of municipalities asked if they should cancel their festivities in light of the warnings of increased tensions on the border with Gaza. The army said no, don’t cancel anything, it appears we are heading into a period of calm.


Now, you can assume that the Shin Bet (Israeli Security Agency) did not know about this attack. But that is highly improbable. The state of Israel is probably the most advanced surveillance state in the world. The Gaza border is probably the most heavily surveilled. The Shin Bet, who somehow knew about a guy who had corona in a toy store and tracked him all the way to a soccer stadium during the days of corona, somehow didn’t know about this massive attack planned by thousands of Gazans on pickup trucks and hang gliders.


Do you really believe that? Are you really that stupid? If you do, I have a bridge to sell you.


Do you know how long it takes an attack helicopter to get activated and blow up any of those pickup trucks or hang gliders that invaded Israel? Less than 5 minutes. It all could have been over. It could have been a matter of 5 minutes. Instead they had hours to kill thousands and bring back hostages alive, unopposed.


This is not a breach. That is an inside job.


And if it is not an inside job, well then that is even worse. Because that means that the IDF is the most incompetent military that ever walked the face of the earth. And now we are supposed to trust these people to invade Gaza. Under the command of a military that a) didn’t see this coming and b) was too incompetent to react to a bunch of pickup trucks invading Israel.


You tell me which one is worse. That it was an inside job? Or that it was incompetent?


And oh, by the way, now that America is coming with aid, do you really think Israel needs American aid to invade Gaza? Gaza? Their air force is hang gliders, their ground troops are pickup trucks. They don’t even have a tank. And Israel needs American aid to fight them. Are you serious? You don’t think there is anything fishy going on here?”


Note: I stand with Israel, as God’s chosen people, and their right to their land that God promised to give back to them. They have a God-given right to defend themselves. But, there is disconcerting evidence emerging that Israel and America colluded for this event as a pretext to war. The reasons seem to be the result of an intersectionality over a host of factors.


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.


Genesis 12:2 And I will make of thee (Israel) a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.





Stay away from the vaccines! They are deadly. They have 1,291 documented serious side effects, including death from all manner of reasons.


Dr. Drew reveals 50% of mRNA vaccine ‘victims’ now have permanent heart damage.


Since the vaccine ‘rollout,’ birth rates have collapsed while excess death rates soar.





“To be welcoming as Christians does not mean — or should not mean — tolerating all forms of behavior, and standing idly by while your own events, churches, and communities are used to celebrate sin.” – Matt Walsh


Wake up your church. Wake up your pastor. If they will not wake up and stand up, find a new church. The hour is late. The time has come to take a stand. Quit making excuses, and buying in to the excuses of the decidedly tuned out.


Awareness of, and a prayerful concern for, the evil in the world is not a sign of lack of faith. Christians should be keenly aware of the devices of the devil. We are called to stand against his activities.


God’s leaders spoke out over the centuries:


“The church must take right ground in regards to politics ... The time has come for Christians to vote for honest men, and take consistent ground ... God cannot sustain this free and blessed country, which we love and pray for, unless the Church will take right ground.  Politics are a part of religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do their duty to their country as a part of their duty to God ... God will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics.” - Charles Finney, 1800s


“Righteous men are the only ones who can keep a nation’s roof from falling in on its people’s head.”  - William Gurnall, 1655


Sadly, most Christians today haven’t an inkling about what is going on in the world around them. Spiritually dead pastors guide spiritually dead followers. Blissfully ignorant pastors foster ignorant congregations. Clueless pastors have clueless disciples.


How can one even pray, if they have no idea what they are praying about? How can one oppose the work of the devil, if they are unaware of his devices?


“If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.” - Charles Finney


America desperately needs more Pastors with the Biblically-based discerning boldness of Colonial America. We are facing the same paradox of our colonists – to submit or resist.


Theirs was tyranny abroad, ours is tyranny within. The Church must decide whom they will serve. For every issue facing America, God has an answer. It is high time our pastors spoke as prophets of God.


Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve ..


For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven,” preached Rev. John Peter Muhlenberg, as he spoke from the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1.


“In the language of the Holy Writ, there is a time for all things. There is a time to preach and a time to fight. And now is the time to fight!” – Rev. John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg, 1776


He then pulled off his robe and took 200 men of God went to fight with George Washington. “The Black Robbed Regiment” was a force to be reckoned with. We need pastors and churches to take a stand today as did our colonial pastors.


A united Church cannot be defeated.


"Without God, there is no right and wrong. Anything goes. Life loses value, and with that loss of value comes a loss of societal strength." – Ben Shapiro



SEEKING THE TRUTH: Follow the silenced! The truth will not be found on your television or newspapers; not even Fox is reporting anything close to the truth.


For tons more information that runs counter to the narrative, find me on Twitter/X @tim_f_day, on Telegram @TreyBone, or TruthSocial @tim_day.  YouTube and Facebook are so heavily censored, it is a hopeless cause. So, I post heavily on Twitter – far, far more than I can put in an email.


I carpet-bomb Twitter/X daily with enough facts and truth to bring anyone willing to read a bit, up to speed in very little time. Just reading the posts and headlines on my Twitter channel will clear the clouds of deception. You cannot go onto Twitter/X and merely look around. You need to plug into the right network. I am doing the work for you. Follow those I follow to stay truly informed.

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