If printing money would end poverty, printing diplomas would end stupidity.” – Javier Milei
“We don’t have inflation because the people are living too well. We have inflation because the government is living too well.” - Ronald Reagan
“If socialists understood economics they wouldn't be socialists.” - Friedrich Hayek

"Two days ago, I watched a parade of the Taliban in Afghanistan, they were showing all our equipment they took from America-- $85 billion worth... Kamala bragged about being the last person in the room the night that decision was made." – President Trump
By the way, her “strength through joy” phase is a Nazi phrase and a Nazi organization. Kind of like her “unburdened by the past” hooey.
“It's pronounced COMMIE-LA Harris.” – Eric Metaxas
Kamelot isn’t looking so good these days. Her handlers are trying to keep their queen out of the public eye. She is stumping a fool's paradise; even some of the Left know it.
“Over 70% of Democrats are unaware of Kamala Harris’s policy positions.” - MRC Report
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the queen of Communism, is the Harris campaign Co-Chair.
Thankfully, in a stroke of good news before the bad, the US Supreme Court has blocked the Biden-Harris administration’s effort to change Title IX and force schools to allow: Men to shower with women, Men to take academic and athletic scholarships from women, and Men to be housed in women’s dorms. And teachers would be compelled to use “preferred pronouns.”
Biden and Harris were attempting to make a change to Title IX in order to enforce this.
They are sick!
It is a mental illness. Only a Democrat would run on the platform of fixing the problems they intentionally created. Only liberals can appreciate this style of lying with impunity.
“Kamala is running on the promise of fixing all of the problems her and the Democrats created. It takes a special kind of stupid to vote for that.” - Ryan Fournier

Moreover, it takes some kind of incredible stupidity to give a speech like the one Harris gave in North Carolina. She describes all the problems she and Biden created, as if someone else did this … but yet, we are to believe she will fix it.

“A loaf of bread costs 50% more today than before the pandemic. Ground beef is up almost 50%.” - Kamala
She made these remarks (see link below) before a stellar crowd of 109, most of whom were liberal reporters. Contrast that with Trump’s interview with Musk that has been viewed by well over a billion people.
Her NC speech caused Commie-La to immediately drop 6 points in the polls. She promises to fix the mess she made. Yeah, right! Even if she intended to, she has no idea how.
“The same media that told us Biden didn't have dementia, now tell us Kamala Harris isn't stupid.” – Mark Levin
“If you think things are expensive now, they will get 100 times WORSE if Kamala gets four years as President. Under her plan, Kamala will implement SOVIET Style Price Controls. She will abolish private health care, and make California's ridiculous tax policies the law of the land, meaning EVERY American will be taxed up to 80% of their income!” – President Trump
Her views on “equity” (forced and guaranteed equal outcomes) are equaling disturbing and are straight-up communism – equally shared suffering. It is the heart of DEI; it would make everyone equally poor.
Her open borders are creating a new electorate. The latest caravans are huge, and say they are “coming to vote.” Invaders are given registration forms along the way. You won’t see any children or women in the mix. Meet your new neighbors:
Tucker Carlson exposes that the US Congress passed a Loophole to allow illegal Migrants to vote:
“It's illegal, you say, for illegal aliens to vote in a federal election. Well, actually, it's not illegal, it turns out. Congress passed something in the US code, the federal code, a line that, unbeknownst to the rest of us, makes it legal for illegal aliens to vote in federal elections if they believe they are citizens. It's a state of mind.” – Tucker Carlson
We live in two different world views. We share two entirely different realities. Warped perception is reality for the Left.

Thankfully, life-long Democrats are awakening everyday to what their party has become. More and more realize Kamala’s policies would destroy what is left of America.
“People act like we had Trump for the past four years and Kamala Harris is coming to save us, but really we had Biden Kamala Harris for four years and now we need Trump to save us.” – Insurrection Barbie
“Kamala Harris is running on straight up communism.” - Catturd
Even CNN is condemning Kamala Harris’ communist agenda:
“We’ve seen this kind of thing tried in lots of other countries before. Venezuela, Argentina, the Soviet Union...it leads to shortages and would cause a lot of harm.” - CNN

Congressional Democrats want Kamala Harris to wait until after the election to give her policy agenda. It kind of like Pelosi’s nonsense of passing a Bill to see what is in it.
Robert Sterling lays out what Kamala’s socialist plans would do to America. Just look to Latin American countries that did what she is proposing.
“Kamala Harris offers proposal to increase hunger in America through government takeover of the food supply.” – Tom Fitton
Sterling says, I worked in M&A in the food industry. Here’s a step-by-step summary of what would actually happen:
1. The government announces that grocery retailers aren’t allowed to raise prices.
2. Grocery stores, which operate on 1-2% net margins, can’t survive if their suppliers raise prices. So the government announces that food producers (Kraft Heinz, ConAgra, Tyson, Hormel, et. al.) also aren’t allowed to raise prices.
3. Not all grocery stores are created equal. Stores in lower-income areas make less money than those in higher-income areas, as the former disproportionately sell lower-margin prepackaged foods (“center of the store”) instead of higher-margin fresh products like meat (“perimeter of the store”). Because stores in lower-income areas aren’t able to cover overhead (remember, even if their wholesale costs are fixed, their labor, utilities, insurance, and other operating expenses aren’t fixed… yet), grocery chains start to shut them down. Food deserts in rural areas and in low-income urban areas alike become worse.
4. Meanwhile, margins for food producers are also quickly eroding. Their primary costs (ingredients, energy, and labor) aren’t fixed, and their shrinking gross profits leave less cash flow available to cover overhead, maintain facilities, and reinvest in additional production capacity.
5. Grocery chains, which have finite shelf space, start to repurpose their stores (those they didn’t have to shut down, I should say) to sell more non-price-controlled items—everything from nutrition supplements to kitchenware to apparel—and less price-controlled food products. Your local Kroger or Safeway starts to look and feel more like a Walmart.
6. Food producers stop making products with lower margins. Grocery chains start competing with each other to secure inventory. Since they can’t compete by offering stronger prices (remember, producers aren’t allowed to raise prices here, and, even if they could, grocery chains no longer have the gross profit to bear price increases), they compete on things like payment terms.
7. Small grocery chains start to shut down entirely, or get sold to larger chains like Kroger. In addition to not being able to cover fixed costs, a major reason for this is because they can no longer reliably secure delivery of products, due to producers prioritizing sales to larger customers, which are able to leverage their stronger balance sheets to offer superior payment terms.
8. Smaller food producers—which typically sell via distributors, rather than directly to grocery chains—start to go out of business. Because these producers have an additional step their value chains, and because they have lower volumes over which to spread their fixed costs, their cost structure is inherently disadvantaged compared to major food producers. When grocery stores aren’t able to raise prices, cutting product costs becomes all the more important, and reprioritizing purchases from smaller producers is an easy way to do so.
9. As supply chains break down, lines start to form outside grocery stores every morning. Cities assign police officers to patrol store parking lots, and food producers draft contingency plans to assign armed escorts to delivery trucks.
10. The federal government announces a program to issue block grants for states to purchase and operate shuttered grocery stores. The USDA also seizes closed-down production facilities.
11. The government announces that prices for all key food costs—corn, wheat, cattle, energy, etc.—are also now fixed, to stop “profiteers” from gouging the now-government-operated food industry.
12. Shockingly, the government struggles to operate one of the most complex industries on the planet. The entire food supply chain starts imploding.
13. Communism, mass starvation, and the end of America quickly ensue.
This is a viable scenario. It could happen far quicker than most can imagine. Just look to Latin America in the past few decades. Worse, the stage is already set in America.
"Giving Kamala Harris control over inflation policy is like Jeffrey Epstein control over human trafficking policy." – JD Vance
In the past five years, over 155,000 farms in America have been shut down due to Leftist regulations and three-letter agency attacks. Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, China, and Gates (China and Gates control over 500,000 acres of prime farmland; institutional investors own tons more.) have been buying them up at fire-sale prices. They are not farming the farmland.

Kamala’s Marxist policies would wipe out the remaining in a blink of the eye. CEOs from nearly every major food company have made comments in the past two years along the lines of, “our food supply chains are teetering on the edge of collapse.” Her plan would trigger it!
Rent control, likewise, always leads to a shortage of housing, and ultimately higher prices. Any price control ultimately accomplishes the opposite of the stated intention, by wrecking the self-regulating forces of free market capitalism.
“Her controllers are intentionally trying to collapse the economy. None of this is by accident. It’s called the Cloward–Piven strategy.” – Alex Jones
Her plan essentially boils-down to trillions of dollars in new spending. Then attempt to stave off the inevitable inflation with government price controls. While simultaneously raising income tax. America will fall.
“Keep your eye on how much the Government is spending, because that is the true tax.” - Milton Friedman
Kamala’s Father was a Marxist Economics Professor. It should be no surprise at this point. The Left’s talking points attack Trump’s tax cuts as just for the rich. Yet, the IRS clearly states that his tax cuts help the lower and middle classes the most.
“It lowered taxes for all income groups, provided the greatest benefits for middle-income households, and spurred economic growth that helped reduce poverty and improve prosperity.” – The Hill
Her plan is a recipe for Venezuelan hyper-inflation and economic collapse.
When the RNC came to Milwaukee, businesses were excited for the extra business traffic. The DNC comes to Chicago and they board up businesses and cringe at the unavoidable riots.
There are now at 61,001 foreign Antifa and over 27,012 domestic Antifa members in the Chicago area! Over 100,000 protestors are expected,
The DNC is offering free Vasectomies and Abortions in Planned Parenthood vans outside the Convention. Appointments are already filled.
“It’s fascinating to me how women would march us straight into communism solely for the reason of abortion.” - Merissa Hansen
It is intriguing that most Marxist, Socialist, Communist regimes advocated the sterilization for “undesirables.” Yet, the Democrats are sterilizing themselves.
It tells all.
I'm back in the U.S.S.R.
Hey you don't know how lucky you are boys.
Back in the U.S.S.R.
"She's not able to articulate a consistent and compelling message." – Harris former Campaign Aide
Do not be surprised if Harris and Walz are both replaced at the convention. In fact, some believe we could see more than one round of replacements. The dirt pouring out on Walz is so earth-shattering that the MSM cannot stem the receding tide. Kamala is no better.
Kamala Harris dropped out of the 2020 primary race before voting began because she was so unpopular among Democrats. She then hit a 28% approval rating, the lowest ever recorded for a Vice President—lower than Mike Pence, Dick Cheney, and Joe Biden.
Even CNN is throwing them under the proverbial buss. There is a three-way split happening in the Democrat Party. The convention could get interesting, unless they can appease some serious players going in.
The Dems wanted the “honeymoon bounce” prior to the election. Even with faux suppression polls, with Harris-Walz they barely achieved a “dead-cat bounce.”
“Kamala Takes Commanding Lead In Poll Of People Who've Recently Been Hit In Head With Giant Rubber Mallet” – The Babylon Bee
The scary thing is, 40% +/- of the country will vote Democrat no matter what. They could lose everything they own, and they still would vote Democrat. America is declining rapidly, and they still vote for the communist party.
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” - Einstein
If they are kept on the ticket, it shows the desperation of the Left and their expectation to cheat their way through an election with unelectable candidates. And make no mistake, regardless of who their candidates are; they stand for what Kamala was dumb enough to say out loud.
“If you attend a church that pretends it’s okay to vote for a Democrat in November you are promoting evil.” – Eric Metaxas
I keep asking how Monkeypox spreads, but I can’t get a straight answer.
Sorry, I could not help myself.

Dr. Jane Ruby says, the "Monkeypox vaccines, which are already approved by the FDA, contain transferrable, live pathogens that are likely to infect the un-jabbed with smallpox!”
Once again, the vaccine will be the pandemic.
Monkeypox is Covid-19 mRNA injection-caused "Autoimmune blistering disease," aka opportunistic Shingles. This is an attempt to prepare the public to accept a "Monkeypox vaccine."
Dustin Moskovitz stated. “in 2021 NTI predicted a laboratory engineered vaccine resistant Monkeypox outbreak with 271 Million deaths. This was to be a cover-up for the fatalities of the Covid injected. WHO is a criminal organization led by Bill Gates, Rockefellers and the Wellcome Trust.”
“Wake up - the hour is much later than you think.” – Emerald Robinson
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Note: I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I am a ‘things aren't adding up and it's pretty obvious’ theorist. And, a decidedly ‘I ain’t buying the mainstream narrative’ anymore patriot.
My objective is to awaken Christians to the clear and present danger; to awaken the silent majority – the sleeping lion.
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