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Historical Pandemics and Perspective - Shock Events

“The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.” - Ayn Rand


"They don't ban hate speech; they ban speech they hate." - Elon Musk


“The government is … scared that [Musk is] going to tell lies. They’re stealing his tongue because they don’t want him to tell the truth. … They’re terrified of the truth. … Anytime you hear somebody saying misinformation is scary, you are being subject to a psyop.” - Robert F Kennedy, Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy plans to endorse Donald Trump in his dropout speech on Friday. That is huge! I pray Trump puts him over the CIA – that would be just deserts.


“The Democrat party abandoned me, so I joined Trump. Here’s why you should too.” – RFK Jr


I am surprised that Kamala and Walz are still standing after the DNC. I thought they would replace them.


“If the Republicans lose this year’s election—against an administration whose policies have been rejected by the public in poll after poll—they will deserve to lose.” - Thomas Sowell


In a sane world Kamala would never have become VP, much less a Presidential candidate. She is not qualified to be the errand girl for the secretary of the VP, much less VP.


Walz is simply corrupt. He poses a greater threat that her incompetence.


But, here we are. This is not a sane world. Spin, lying and cheating rules the day.


“But beating her is not going to be easy. It is very clear now that they will do anything, say anything, tell any lie, become anybody, and corrupt the system any way they want to, because all they want is just to win.” – Mario Murillo


If I am elected…” She promised things that she and Biden have had the power to do for four years, but never did them. She has the power to do them right now.


She's a liar on the deepest level. The things she is saying right now are not just untrue—they're the opposite of the truth, which is the hallmark of evil.” – Tucker Carlson


Tucker Carlson reacting to the DNC, notices the Democrats’ entire platform is “built on dismantling the First and Second Amendments.”


Frighteningly, if election fraud is not stopped now, she stands a huge chance of stealing the Whitehouse.




“Folks, the battle lines are drawn, we continue on as a constitutional republic or fall further into the abyss communism. It’s never been more clear.” – General Flynn


Interestingly, both the RNC and the DNC were about President Trump. The DNC shared no beneficial policies, only their divisive hatred of Trump. The DNC mentioned Trump 297 times.


During her 37 minute speech, Kamala Harris mentioned Trump 15 times, and she lied about him each of those 15 times.


The Democrat 2024 platform opens with a "land acknowledgment," calling America an illegitimate nation built on stolen land. Think more money laundering.


DNC platform pledges to pass the U.S. Citizenship Act.


The Dems proposed the most radical amnesty bill ever written. Amnesty for human traffickers and gang members, no welfare restrictions for migrants, lets deportees return, and worse.


The day after the DNC endorsed amnesty for human traffickers, the DHS Inspector General confirms that Biden-Harris handed over ~320k unaccompanied alien children back to the traffickers.


This is FAR WORSE than the 85k lost UAC previously reported by NYT. Now they report another 291,000 children have gone missing. They supposedly lost them.


Their open-borders is changing the electorate, creating a ballot harvesting bonanza, and is a boon for child and human traffickers.






“It's never True Communism until it's too late to stop it.” - Peter St Onge, Ph.D.


The Dems plans for the economy will destroy what is left of it (See: Jobs Numbers below). Add this insanity to Harris’ price fixing plan (See: last email), and America will implode.


Kamala Harris wants a 44.6% capital gains tax and 25% tax on unrealized gains. This is the highest capital gains tax in history.


"For too long, the average American has been squeezed by the big banks and financial elites. It's time we take a stand together." - Donald Trump


44.6% will destroy lives. Imagine working an entire life to finally have a single stock options payout and Kamala takes half plus state tax.


Imagine your home went up $100,000 in value; you will be taxed on the increase without realizing the gain. Be prepared to pay 25% of that in a check to the IRS. Who can afford that?


If you look at the fake government data, they claim grocery inflation is only in the 20% to 25% range overall since 2020. If you look at the real world prices with your own eyes, most items are up 50% to 150% since 2020. This cannot continue.


“If you like your house, you’ll keep your house.” - Comrade Kamala Walz (Cernivich)


"Donald Trump was the only president that I can remember who actually raised the income of the lowest 20 percentile and moved it up relative to everybody else. He closed the gap. Nobody else has done that — nobody." - Varney 




"If Trump doesn’t win in November, then America is officially a Banana Republic. It's as simple as that." - Jack Nicklaus


Cheating is the only way the Left can win. They are masters at it. They are already hard at work to cheat – again. I suspect Malarkey Pox lockdowns are coming to help them steal the election.


“The Dems don’t just lie, they tend to say the exact inverse of reality. Big Mike says “we don’t get to change the rules so we always win”. Coming from the party who changed all the rules so they always win


  • Election fraud

  • Weaponization of DOJ

  • Conspiring with MSM/Tech” - Clandestine


Never forget why all six swing states stopped counting on election night in 2020 … Trump was wining big time.

Thankfully, 24 U.S. states have filed a brief with the Supreme Court to ensure that noncitizens cannot vote in our election.





“Illegally registering non-citizens to vote won't be tolerated in Texas.” – Gov. Gregg Abbott


Texas’ AG Ken Paxton is investigating, and planning to prosecute, the massive registration of illegal aliens. The Texas AG has had agents go undercover to catch illegal immigrant voter registration efforts!


Arizona Republicans have identified 1.3 million illegal aliens registered to vote.


Georgia undercover investigation reflects large number registered here – many say they already voted.


Lord only knows how many in California and other Dem states.


Open borders are changing the electorate.


These large numbers of illegals voting is election-outcome altering. This is serious ballot harvesting by the Dems already underway.


VP Kamala Harris says she’s not going to support a border wall “under any circumstances.”






“I still can't believe Democrats rolled in an abortion van like it was a food truck or something.” - Catturd


They are sick.


Isn’t it interesting that Marxists tyrants always exterminate and sterilize the ‘undesirables.’ Oddly, the Left is doing it to themselves.


Over 25 babies were killed in front of the DNC … their initials is sadly ironic.


I am waiting for the “Free Lobotomy” truck to show up at the DNC. You need a Lobotomy to believe the twisted rhetoric coming out of the DNC. The speeches have been one long divisive “hate speech.”

But, maybe the Left already has their lobotomies – they sure sound like it.


Voting for Harris/Walz is incompatible with the Christian faith. There is no wriggling out of it. Hell is real. God is a judge.” – Eric Metaxas





“Just in case anybody doesn’t understand what happened, today is the Joe Biden administration admitted that they’ve been cooking the books from March 2023 to March 2024, by adding close to 1 million jobs that didn’t actually exist.” – Insurrection Barbie


As we have know for four years, the Job and Payroll numbers from the Federal government are, and have been since Biden took office, a lie. Just like the doctored CPI figures.

This is a jaw dropping 1,088,000 difference in job count over just two quarters. Meanwhile the government continues to grow without limit.


“Before we begin, I want to address the massive scandal around the revised job numbers that were just announced this morning. A little while ago, just before I came up, I got to see them, and it really isn't a revision—it's a total lie. Total lie. There's never been any revision like this.


They wanted it to come out after the election, but somehow it got leaked. It got leaked. Government leaks, too. The Harris-Biden administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin they've inflicted on America.


The new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the administration padded the numbers with an extra—listen to this—818,000 jobs that don't exist. So they said they existed, and they never did exist. They built them up so that they could say what a wonderful job they're doing. No, we've never had numbers like this.” – President Trump


Harris-Biden Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo (who runs the US Bureau of Economic Analysis) says she doesn't believe new government data that shows almost a million of the jobs the Harris-Biden admin claimed to have "created" don't actually exist. "I'm not familiar with that." She blamed it on ‘Trump lying.’


Our Country is being run by lying idiots!


The cover up continues:




“Trump or our country is toast.” - Catturd


Along with projecting their crimes onto the innocent, Globalists love to tell you what they have planned.


Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) just warned an “era of shock events” is coming ahead of the 2024 US election as the global elite prepare to unleash chaos in society.


The three warnings include:


  1. A cyber pandemic, which is intentional.

  2. The emergence of a new global extremist group.


  3. Fast-tracked climate change disasters, including a sudden sea-level rise that will submerge an island nation.


WEF Stakeholder Capitalism


A World Economic Forum report hiding in plain sight confirms that upwards of six billion people will die in 2025 – and according to reports from Davos, Klaus Schwab has confirmed the stated goal is on target to be achieved.






“An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.” - Sun Tzu


They are willing to burn the world down to keep Trump from taking office, and accomplish their takeover of the world.


President Biden orders US forces to prepare for possible coordinated nuclear confrontations with Russia, China and North Korea.


A newly leaked classified document reveals that the Biden-Harris administration has ordered US forces to begin preparations for Nuclear War with North Korea.


The faux president recently issued updated nuclear-weapons employment guidance to account for multiple nuclear-armed adversaries,” including China and Russia, as well.


We are on the verge of World War 3, and if Trump doesn't win, our kids will be getting drafted into foreign battlefields to fight more endless wars. The rhetoric is heating up quickly:


Negotiations with Kiev are no longer possible.” - Putin


"There will be no winners. As martyrs, we will go to heaven and the rest will simply die." - Putin


If Donald Trump isn’t elected President, we’re going to see WWIII. The Biden/Harris administration and RINOs have instigated the Ukraine war from the onset. As Ukraine’s attacks edge further into Russia with U.S. and NATO’s help.


Ukraine can’t win this war, it’s now become a war between the United States, NATO, and Russia. Russia is not without formidable allies and unlimited resources.


“There are no winners in a Nuclear war. ... If Ukraine joins NATO, you won’t even have time to blink your eye when you execute Article 5.” - Putin


President Vladimir Putin threatened “consequences you have never faced in your history” for “anyone who tries to interfere with us.” Vladimir Putin has put his nuclear forces on high alert.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that the Ukrainian attack on the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant is causing significant concerns about regional security and the potential for escalation.


Putin has made a bold statement with the deployment of nuclear-capable bombers near NATO borders.


By shipping depleted Uranium ammunitions to Ukraine they gave Putin the perfect excuse to ship Nuclear weapons to Belarus.


Belarus President Lukashenko says “if NATO troops enter Ukraine, both tactical and strategic nuclear weapons will be used.” This will start World War 3.


Then there is this real concern:


“I am raising the alarm! This is not a game ladies and gentlemen. This is bigger than just the American Republic. We’re talking World War III if Trump is assassinated and Iran is framed.” – Alex Jones



 Holding the Line


“Every Christian in America needs to enter into intercessory prayer and fasting, because of what is at stake if the powers of darkness prevail. And this dark hour calls upon Christians to speak out.” – Mario Murillo


Wake up - the hour is much later than you think.” – Emerald Robinson




SEEKING THE TRUTH: Follow the silenced! The truth will not be found on your television or newspapers; not even Fox is reporting anything close to the truth.


Seek the truth; share the truth.


For tons more information that runs counter to the narrative, find me on Twitter/X @tim_f_day, on Telegram @TreyBone, or TruthSocial @tim_day.  YouTube and Facebook are so heavily censored, it is a hopeless cause. So, I post heavily on Twitter – far, far more than I can put in an email.


I carpet-bomb Twitter/X daily with enough facts and truth to bring anyone willing to read a bit, up to speed in very little time. Just reading the posts and headlines on my Twitter channel will clear the clouds of deception.


You cannot go onto Twitter/X and merely look around. You need to plug into the right network. I am doing the work for you. Examine my network. Follow those I follow to stay truly informed.


Note: I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I am a ‘things aren't adding up and it's pretty obvious’ theorist. And, a decidedly ‘I ain’t buying the mainstream narrative’ anymore patriot.


My objective is to awaken Christians to the clear and present danger; to awaken the silent majority – the sleeping lion.


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