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Historical Pandemics and Perspective - Strike Two

Tim Day

“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” - George Orwell


"It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again." - Kamala Harris Senior Advisor David Plouffe


"I mean...look...if Trump doesn’t win in November, then America is officially a Banana Republic. It's as simple as that." - Jack Nicklaus


“Donald Trump needs to turn the rhetoric UP -- precisely because the media are insisting he turn it down. Talk about blaming the victim. Trump should unleash the righteous fury of every patriot's voice in his speeches, as should everyone on his team. We will not be silent. Fight.” – Eric Metaxas


CEO of Atlas Intel, the most accurate pollster of the 2020 presidential election, gives former President Trump a 70% chance of victory in November.

The value of the fiat dollar has been in freefall since the creation of the Federal Reserve, and since going off of the Gold Standard. It is a hidden tax. Inflation and the deflation of the dollar erode the value of your savings.


Today the dollar carries the value of a nickel in 1913.


We are going broke and few realize it.




“How did the attempted assassin anticipate Trump being at the 4th and 5th holes at 1:30PM. It was contrary to any routine Trump has for Sunday golf. Did anyone tell him about Sundays unusual schedule?” – Rudy Giuliani


Experts warned this would happen again.


The Left and the Deep State are growing more and more desperate as Trump continues to rise in the polls. I suspect that they will stop at nothing to stop Trump. Nothing is off the table.


DC Draino says:


  • When the media smears didn’t work, they spied on him.

  • When the spying didn’t work, they Special-Counseled him.

  • When the Special Counsel didn’t work, they impeached him (twice).

  • When the impeachment didn’t work, they unleashed Covid and rigged the election.

  • When he announced his next campaign, they indicted him (4x) and sued him.

  • When the indictments didn’t work, they allowed him to get almost shot (twice).


If you can’t see who the real threat to democracy is, you’re either dumb or brainwashed.


It’s the Deep State and they will do anything to oppress the free will of the American people.


Donald Trump leading the polls and won the debate against Joe Biden; 1st assassination attempt. Donald Trump leading the polls and won the debate against Kamala Harris; 2nd assassination attempt.


The latest Trump would be assassin - Ryan Routh ALSO appeared in a Blackrock Commercial just like Thomas Crooks. What are the odds?


“Trump's Attempted Assassin In Florida, Ryan Wesley Routh, Directly Tied To CIA/Biden Administration” – Alex Jones


President Trump’s golf outing was a “last minute decision,” sources tell CNN. This round was not on the public schedule, and the public was not informed he’d be there.


“Trump assassination attempt suspect Ryan Wesley Routh wrote a book urging Iran to ‘kill’ Trump.” - Daily Mail


Ex-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says second failed Donald Trump assassin (Ryan Routh) was acting under Ukraine's direction.


Was he tipped off to Trump’s whereabouts?


“The last answer is scary and has implications that another person was involved.” - Former assistant FBI director Chris Swecker


Both would-be assassins had quite a bit in common. First, they both contributed to the Democrat's fundraising platform ActBlue. Second, they both used foreign encrypted messaging apps including Signal. Third, they were both able to get high powered rifles within a few hundred yards of President Trump.


I also wonder how these guys had so much money. Ryan, for example, was able to live in Hawaii, fly back and forth to the US, Europe, and Ukraine. Crooks was able to buy drones and bomb making equipment.


“How did the Trump would-be assassin, a convicted felon with no money, fly from Hawaii to Ukraine, talk to NGO's, the Ukrainian defense ministry and Afghan mercenaries? Did the US government not think that was suspicious? American intel knows exactly which Americans are coming in and out of Ukraine.” – Jesse Watters


Why was MSNBC filming Trump on his golf course moments before he was shot at? How did they know to be there? Who told them? Remember, CNN hadn't covered a Trump rally live until the Butler Rally.


“So the J6ers get charged with terrorism and the guy who wanted to Assassinate President Trump is only being charged with firearms offenses?” – Laura Loomer


FBI admits Trump shooter, Ryan Routh, has been on their radar since 2019. Ryan Wesley Routh worked With US Intelligence Agencies to expand the American Foreign Legion in Ukraine.


It sure looks like, January 6th was an inside job, July 13th was an inside job, and September 15th was an inside job.


The FBI has demanded custody of him but DeSantis refused, saying Florida will conduct its own investigation. Thank God! DeSantis, and everyone, knows the FBI cannot be trusted.


“It's not in the best interest of our state or our nation that the same federal agencies that are seeking to prosecute Donald Trump are leading this investigation.” – Gov Ron DeSantis


Gov. DeSantis says he does not think it is in the best interest of the country to say that agencies like the FBI and DOJ are reliable enough to give us the truth regarding Trump's shooter, nor to trust them with prosecution.


“Let me just be very clear. They are trying to kill the man. They are trying to kill my father. They are trying to kill the 45th President of the United States…


That man is a hero to so many Americans. This is a guy who saved this country. This is a guy who spent the last decade fighting tooth & nail, under the most unthinkable attacks, to save the country. Against his own comfort. Against his own family’s interest. Against his business issues.


They tried to take him down.

They tried to throw him in jail.

They tried to bankrupt him.

They tried to separate his family.

They tried to take him off the ballot and subvert democracy in this country…


They did everything and yet that man is still fighting!” – Eric Trump


May God save Trump, to save America!


Perhaps it’s God wanting me to be president to save this country.” – President Trump




Election Fraud


“Speaker Johnson is fake fighting by attaching a bright shiny object (SAVE Act, that he will later abandon) to a bill that continues our path of destructive spending.” – Rep Thomas Massie


If they cannot stop Trump or kill him, they will attempt to steal the election again ... or come up with a reason to not have an election.


Per newly released CBP data, nearly 530,000 migrants have flown into the US and have been paroled into the country as part of the Biden administration’s controversial CHNV mass parole program. Additionally, approximately 813,000 migrants have scheduled appointments via the CBP One app at ports of entry to be released into the US.


Just last week over 53,000 illegals registered to vote without ID in Pennsylvania. 2024. The totals are over 1.6 million. Arizona is now over 1.3 million.

These are election changing numbers.


Biden floods our country with illegals and now wants to get rid of Voter ID. He promises to veto the SAVE Act. Like many other things we can’t stop voter fraud if we don't confirm identity. There is nothing racist about this issue! US citizens have ID's and required for many things much less important than voting.


“I, together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars, am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely because I know, better than most, the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election. It was a Disgrace to our Nation! Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T! Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.” – President Trump


Wake up - the hour is much later than you think.” – Emerald Robinson




SEEKING THE TRUTH: Follow the silenced! The truth will not be found on your television or newspapers; not even Fox is reporting anything close to the truth.


Seek the truth; share the truth.


For tons more information that runs counter to the narrative, find me on Twitter/X @tim_f_day, on Telegram @TreyBone, or TruthSocial @tim_day.  YouTube and Facebook are so heavily censored, it is a hopeless cause. So, I post heavily on Twitter – far, far more than I can put in an email.


I carpet-bomb Twitter/X daily with enough facts and truth to bring anyone willing to read a bit, up to speed in very little time. Just reading the posts and headlines on my Twitter channel will clear the clouds of deception.


You cannot go onto Twitter/X and merely look around. You need to plug into the right network. I am doing the work for you. Examine my network. Follow those I follow to stay truly informed.


Note: I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I am a ‘things aren't adding up and it's pretty obvious’ theorist. And, a decidedly ‘I ain’t buying the mainstream narrative’ anymore patriot.


My objective is to awaken Christians to the clear and present danger; to awaken the silent majority – the sleeping lion.


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