“Thousands Of Migrant Farmworkers Head North In Preparation For The Democrat Ballot Harvest” – The Babylon Bee, Satire
“How can anyone read history and still trust politicians?” – Thomas Sowell
“The Dem Party has moved so far left that it has left centrists behind.” – Elon Musk
Ever wonder why talking with liberals is like talking to someone from another planet? It is the present ideological divide that started under Obama. The Right has remained essentially stationary. In the past two decades the Left slid clean off the charts.
We have gone from a bell-shaped curve to a “U-shaped” curve. There is now little common ground between Right and Left ideologies. The Left, in their rejection of God, has simply lost their minds. They have no objective basis for Truth, or right and wrong. Everything is relative.
Marxist philosophy has filled the void. We are being manipulated by engineered crises, one after another. It is to set the stage to accomplish their wicked ends.
"I want people to understand that we are in the midst of a takeover of the United States of America by a group of people who have come to the point in their sort of globalist agenda where we're done...And if we don't get this one right, we could actually see the end of the republic that exists today." – General Flynn
“We’re in the middle of the most important election in US history to save the USA - and the Republican Party is nowhere to be found.” - Catturd
The GOP is AWOL. No surprise to those who recognize that we have a Uni-party in DC.
While Trump is on the Republican ticket, it is not because of Republicans, especially the RNC. It is the only viable ticket. An Independent ticket has repeatedly proven to be the kiss of death.
Trump is leading a Patriot movement to save America and take back the Republican Party from the uni-party, RINO, sellout, turncoat traitors.
The big surprise is the abject apathy, indifference, and silence of our Pastors and Christians. The silence is deafening.
If we lose this election, the Left will import even more illegal aliens, give them citizenship, and every state will turn blue. We will, in short order, become a one-party country. It will seal our fate – forever. We will be ushered up under the Great Reset. Remember that the Globalist declare this will be America’s last election.
How can a true Christian fail to see and discern what is taking place? How can any true man of God remain silent in this spiritual battle? The reason is that many are not “true.” Many simply play church.
“God is at work among us. And mostly OUTSIDE the church.” – Eric Metaxas
This election is the choice between good and evil. True Christians must engage. The act of voting is the least we can do to take a stand for righteousness. Yet, far too many children of God are disengaged.
“Elections used to be a choice between liberals and conservatives. This election is a choice between good and evil.” – Mario Murillo
The saddest thing is that those whom God has entrusted to lead and sound the alarm are absent. Most of our pastors are cowering in fear, afraid to bring God’s word to bear on the issues of the day.
“The very people who should be leading the charge against evil are missing in action. Out of 500,000 Protestant ministers in America, only a tiny percentage are speaking out.” – Mario Murillo
We have the ‘’tail wagging the dog’ as deceived Democrats in our churches are silencing our pastors.
“How can Democrats be worse than wolves? Because they silence pastors. Ministers stand before the largest voting bloc in America. If they were speaking about Harris from a Biblical perspective, this election would not even be close.” – Mario Murillo
Too many pastors are afraid they will lose liberal members. I contend it would be the best thing that could possibly happen to spiritual welfare of our churches.
It is time to weed-out the tares and unmask the wolves in our midst, by boldly speaking the Truth and addressing the issues our Nation faces from God’s perspective. The faux sheep will seek the exit; the remaining flock will become more spiritually sound and filled with God’s power.
Actions have consequences; inaction likewise has consequences.
“The biggest fable is to believe that we can be silent and there will be no consequence.” – Mario Murillo
There is a well-funded effort to keep our churches and our pastors silent. Our compromised pastors are being bought off. Their silence is being financially rewarded.
"You have hard-left secular foundations who are funneling money into Christian organizations to push this messaging that it's political idolatry to be involved in the political process." – Megan Basham
Modern Pastor, Why Do You Let Deceived Christians Silence You?
Historically, only 25% of Christians vote in Presidential elections.
According to a recent survey 49% of American Christians are not planning to vote!
It's reported that 32 million evangelical Christians may not be voting in this election! Only 51% of Christians who are registered to vote are planning on voting.
“We aren’t voting for a pastor, we’re voting for a president. … The time of being on the fence and not taking a stand is over with!”
Lily Tang Williams points out from experience, “To the millions of Christians will not vote, study history and understand what will happen when the Communists take over a country, what they will do to your religion and family.”
“In every election, Christians must choose the lesser of two evils because the world will always choose the greater of two evils. But for a Christian to not vote is to allow the greater evil to progress without resistance. That is wrong. Go vote and restrain evil.” – Dale Partridge
Evangelical Christians have no room to complain about the advance of secular Leftism if they refuse to vote for Trump and deliver the presidency to Kamala Harris.
“If you don't vote, keep in mind that God will hold you accountable for the policies of those who are elected -- and for the evil that they do.” – Eric Metaxas
Not to vote is to vote! It is a passive vote for evil.
For believers, "a vote for Trump is a vote to better protect Christians, safeguard our children, advance a culture of life, and restore American sovereignty." - AMAC CEO
"With your vote, I will defend religious liberty in all of its forms. I will protect Christians in our schools, in our military, in our government, in our workplaces, in our hospitals, and in our public square." - President Trump
“Every God-fearing man should give his vote with as much devotion as he prays." – Charles Spurgeon
Your children’s future is on the ballot this November!
Now for a shout-out … Thank God for patriot American’s, like the Vice family and their friends, who erected this wonderful billboard in Western North Carolina.
“Wake up - the hour is much later than you think.” – Emerald Robinson
SEEKING THE TRUTH: Follow the silenced! The truth will not be found on your television or newspapers; not even Fox is reporting anything close to the truth.
Seek the truth; share the truth.
For tons more information that runs counter to the narrative, find me on Twitter/X @tim_f_day, on Telegram @TreyBone, or TruthSocial @tim_day. YouTube and Facebook are so heavily censored, it is a hopeless cause. So, I post heavily on Twitter – far, far more than I can put in an email.
I carpet-bomb Twitter/X daily with enough facts and truth to bring anyone willing to read a bit, up to speed in very little time. Just reading the posts and headlines on my Twitter channel will clear the clouds of deception.
You cannot go onto Twitter/X and merely look around. You need to plug into the right network. I am doing the work for you. Examine my network.
https://twitter.com/tim_f_day Follow those I follow to stay truly informed.
Note: I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I am a ‘things aren't adding up and it's pretty obvious’ theorist. And, a decidedly ‘I ain’t buying the mainstream narrative’ anymore patriot.
My objective is to awaken Christians to the clear and present danger; to awaken the silent majority – the sleeping lion.
Past posts can be found at: https://www.wednesdaywarriors.org/blog.
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