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Historical Pandemics and Perspective - Weathering

Tim Day

“I can see we need some new conspiracy theories because all the old ones turned out to be true.” - Senator Kennedy


“The Left is the threat to democracy. Which is why they gaslight us saying Trump is the threat. Everything they say and do is what they accuse him of saying and doing. We are facing real evil in our time.” – Eric Metaxas


“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute a new government.” – Thomas Jefferson





“The other side wants to take away your freedom of speech. They want to take away your right to bear arms. They want to take away your right to vote effectively.


You've got 14 states now that don't require voter ID. California, where I used to live, just passed a law banning voter ID for voting. I still can't believe that's real.


So how are you supposed to have a good, proper election if there's no ID? It's just meaningless. And free speech. Free speech is the bedrock of democracy. And if people don't know what's going on, if they don't know the truth, how can you make an informed vote?


You must have free speech in order to have democracy. That's why it's the First Amendment. And the Second Amendment is there to ensure that we have the First Amendment.” – Elon Musk





“FEMA Warns They Don’t Have The Resources To Block Humanitarian Aid For Next Hurricane” - The Babylon Bee, Satire


“Genius: Kamala Announces Plan To Tell Hurricane Milton 'Don't'” - The Babylon Bee, Satire


“You LOOT, we SHOOT.” – Gov. DeSantis, Not Satire

North Carolina needs help:


This Administration gave 157 Million Dollars to Lebanon without Congress approval, after claiming FEMA was out of money.


But Congressional approval is required to send money to North Carolina!


So far this year, the United States has given:


  • $24,400,000,000 to Ukraine.

  • $11,300,000,000 to Israel.

  • $1,950,000,000 to Ethiopia.

  • $1,600,000,000 to Jordan.

  • $1,400,000,000 to Egypt.

  • $1,100,000,000 to Afghanistan.

  • $1,100,000,000 to Somalia.

  • $1,000,000,000 to Yemen.

  • $987,000,000 to Congo.

  • $896,000,000 to Syria.


Americans who lost everything to Hurricane Helene get $750. It is an SBA loan, by the way, and must be paid back.





“Yes, they can control the weather. … Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan [spoke publicly] about it.” – Rep Marjorie Greene


Helene and Milton are right on time for the election.” – Alex Jones


I am walking on the conspiracy side in this. There is growing evidence that something nefarious is going on with regards to these unprecedented storms. If this is true, I pray whistleblowers will emerge to expose it.


Consider Dubai, UAE where leaders bragged about a weather modification program to create more rainfall called “cloud seeding.” It resulted in unprecedented flooding in April. It was a bit too successful.


15 USC Ch. 9A is one of the federal laws related to Weather modification. Its title is: Weather Modification Activities or Attempts; Reporting Requirement.


However, Section 1905 exception noted in references 18 USC 1905. This law actually makes it a crime to disclose most of the information related to weather modification if that information it is called a “trade secret” and a number of other things. Of course DOD activities and other government activities would also be exempt.


This makes the available information on weather modification projects incomplete at best. Furthermore, if it was done in international waters it would not need to be reported even if it had an impact on a major event like a hurricane.


North Carolina State Representatives and Senators were briefed on weather modification technology and have concluded that this was not a natural event.


Climate Engineering Researcher Dane Wigington says he spoke with members of Congress by phone after Hurricane Helene devastated their districts. He said they know something is not right with these storms. He told them how they are steering and manipulating hurricanes.



Stew Peters points out, “If you don’t think the flooding in western NC was a geo-engineered weather weapon of war to induce a cheap land-grab on the largest lithium deposit in the country, consider this: Only one percent of Hurricane Helene victims in western NC had flood insurance. They weren’t required to because they live in the mountains.”

Flood insurance will likely be unobtainable in Florida after Milton. Home insurance, even in non-flood zones away from the coast, will be even more crazy expensive than it already is.


And coincidentally, Wyoming is on fire. Think DEWs. The Wyoming Rock Springs Uplift is recognized for its lithium content, with estimates suggesting there could be up to 18 million tons of lithium carbonate equivalent.


If weather modification is just a conspiracy theory, then why does the NOAA have an entire page dedicated to the 9 methods of weather modification (including lasers and ionization) that require mandatory reporting with the government (using Form 17-4)? This NOAA page also lists over 1,000 weather modification experiments that have been filed with the government.



It turns out that the DoD and NOAA claim that they can stop hurricane rotation. But, they don’t. Worse it seems they are using their technology as a political weapon. It is devastating Red States right before the most important election of our lives. Just a coincidence?


They seed the tropical depressions in the South Atlantic, and then use HAARP to heat the ionosphere and supercharge the storms. When it hits land the NEXRAD radars can pulse and direct it.


For example, they currently have 13 cloud seeding towers strategically placed on the tops of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range encompassing the Lake Tahoe basin.

The NOAA has just deleted its NEXRAD radar product page to hide what it's doing. A major cover-up underway at the government after they were busted geo engineering hurricane Helene.


NOAA removed 103 pages of weather modification reports that were previously listed on their site, so far.


"Weather Warfare" (History Channel, 2009) explains in detail how HAARP can modify weather and cause earthquakes. It is practically scrubbed from the internet now.

I know it sounds outlandish and bazar, but it seems that our Government is using Cloud Seeding and other means like, lasers and microwave energy to create monster Hurricanes and storms. This enables them to do massive land seizures. Blackrock is heavily involved in the land seizures and so is Bill Gates.


Col. Macgregor interviews Dane Wigington.



Veteran weather modification expert Ben Livingston is a former Navy Physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960's during the Vietnam era.


Alex Jones discusses Weather Manipulation

They frame it in a benign, seemingly beneficial way, where they say that it’s used to create rainfall for droughts. What they don’t tell you is that these methods can create and facilitate very large and destructive storms. These storms may be being used as a form of political weather warfare on the American people.


They are desperately speeding up UN Agenda 2030.

Map of Weather Geo-Engineering projects (only those they make public)


“There’s nothing normal about these storms; they’re not normal. But I got this word that they want to ‘do it over.’ They want to have a repeat. There are things happening that the evil spirits of darkness want a do-over hurricane. They want another one.” – Joseph Z





Voting for Trump ‘only way’ to ‘save’ democracy.” – Elon Musk


“Very few Americans realize that, if Trump is NOT elected, this will be the last election. Far from being a threat to democracy, he is the only way to save it!” – Elon Musk


"We want a secure border, we don't have a secure border. We want safe and clean cities, I think we wanna reduce the amount of spending. We are currently spending at the rate which is bankrupting the country. We should not take American prosperity for granted." -Elon Musk


Trump is only a threat to the Deep State, which is why his win is essential to save the world.


If the election were held today, George Barna Research is predicting that only 50% of eligible Christian voters would actually vote in this upcoming US election.


“The devil doesn't want Christians to know they are serving his evil purposes.” – Eric Metaxas


“I suffer from Kamalatis. I have an existential allergy to knowing that such a buffoon could become POTUS.  It is bewildering.  If she wins, good luck USA.” - Gad Saad




“Even what the enemy means for evil, You turn it for our good. Even in the valley, You are faithful; You're working for our good.”


“That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet, This is my Father's world”


“Don’t worry, we have them right where we want them, and oh yeah, the real storm is coming.” – General Flynn


Wake up - the hour is much later than you think.” – Emerald Robinson




Seeking the Truth: Follow the silenced! The truth will not be found on your television or newspapers; not even Fox is reporting anything close to the truth.


Seek the truth; share the truth.


For tons more information that runs counter to the narrative, find me on Twitter/X @tim_f_day, on Telegram @TreyBone, or TruthSocial @tim_day.  YouTube and Facebook are so heavily censored, it is a hopeless cause. So, I post heavily on Twitter – far, far more than I can put in an email.


I carpet-bomb Twitter/X daily with enough facts and truth to bring anyone willing to read a bit, up to speed in very little time. Just reading the posts and headlines on my Twitter channel will clear the clouds of deception.


You cannot go onto Twitter/X and merely look around. You need to plug into the right network. I am doing the work for you. Examine my network. Follow those I follow to stay truly informed.


Note: I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I am a ‘things aren't adding up and it's pretty obvious’ theorist. And, a decidedly ‘I ain’t buying the mainstream narrative’ anymore patriot.


My objective is to awaken Christians to the clear and present danger; to awaken the silent majority – the sleeping lion.


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