It’s not uncommon for someone to say something that makes a light bulb go off while the Wednesday Warriors are interacting. It is usually a word, phrase, idea, or interpretation of a Bible verse that clicks for us. I can sense when this is happening because, in the front row, Dave Ely’s face will light up, and he slaps his forehead with his palm and says, “O. I. C.”
These “Oh, I See” moments stick with us, stir our spirits, and transform our minds. In the New Testament, these “This Is That” times happened when Jesus or his followers fulfilled a prophetic word or scripture.
A stunning “This is That” moment was when Jesus got up in a synagogue and read from Isaiah 61:
“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me.” Jesus said Isaiah was talking about him. Suddenly, an “Oh, I See” hit when eyes opened to the fulfillment of a scripture. As believers, we are the body of Christ, and that same Spirit is on us. Jesus confirmed that “This is That” when he told us,
"whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” John 14:12
Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon us, because the Lord has anointed us to:
Proclaim good news to the poor. When the Holy Spirit fell on New Testament believers,
“they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.” Acts 4:31
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses” Acts 1:8
When we speak the word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit, whether it’s at God Mobile, other outreaches that many of us do, or in our families, businesses, and throughout our communities, we are fulfilling Isaiah 61.
Bind up the brokenhearted—These are those who are suffering from circumstances. Many people are struggling with finding work. Many have had sickness, tragedy, and death strike them or their families.
Just this week, hundreds of thousands of people were affected by Hurricane Helene. They’ve lost loved ones and property and are still without electricity and water.
We can help financially, physically, and emotionally in a demonstration of generosity, compassion, prayer, service, and the peace of God. The Lord has even told many of us to store up food and emergency supplies as Joseph did in Egypt (Genesis 41) before the famine. When storms like Helene or other disasters hit, we realize, “Oh, I see why God had us prepare.”
Proclaim freedom for the captives—These are those who have suffered at the hands of others or the enemy. Rich Gartrell and Roy Desilva have deliverance and healing ministries that set people free from spiritual and emotional captivity. Many of us are involved in counseling, discipleship, financial support, and other helps ministries.
Bring recovery of sight to the blind - When John’s disciples asked Jesus if he was the Messiah, He told them to tell John,
“The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.” Matthew 11:5.
As Ron Bolt has taught us, when we bring healing to those who are physically and even spiritually sick and poor, it opens people’s eyes to the reality that Jesus is still doing miracles and confirms that the kingdom of God is in us and among us. We are anointed by the Holy Spirit to bring healing and salvation.
Proclaim freedom for the prisoners - These are those who have suffered from their own transgressions. Jesus had compassion and spoke freedom over the woman caught in adultery and the woman at the well. We are anointed through the Holy Spirit to speak the truth in love over people who need salvation, deliverance, forgiveness, and restoration.
Luke Ludwinski and many others minister to men who are trapped in addictions and cycles of destructive, sinful patterns and help set them free.
Proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. Proclaiming God’s favor over people gives them hope, shows them the way out of their captivity, and shows them the way to peace in the midst of these chaotic times.
"This is the hour to receive God's favor." 2 Cor 6:2 favor GNT
"Divine favor is increased influence, supernatural turnarounds, limitations broken, dreams awakened, missed opportunities redeemed, and wide open new doors of divine possibilities." ~ Dr. Frank Damazio
We can speak favor over people and also recognize when “This is That,” as God’s favor manifests among us. Larry Veal received every one of the divine favor descriptions when a Gwinnett County district attorney partnered with his ministry, Be More Positive, to initiate a program to fulfill Larry’s Isaiah 61 calling to see at-risk youth find freedom.
Bob Elsaesser, Bob Behrman, and the rest of our God Mobile team experienced the Lord’s favor as we led 825 people to the Lord at the North Georgia State Fair in the last week and a half.
Let’s gather tomorrow morning to encourage each other and see the Spirit of God come on us to anoint us to do the works of Jesus like the world depended on it. It does!!!!
Join us for God Mobile starting this Thursday.
October 3rd through October 13th
Mon - Thur 4pm - 10pm
Friday 4pm - 12am
Saturday 10am -12am
Sunday 12:30pm - 9pm