The greatest political comeback in recent history has given us the greatest open door for revival and reformation in our lifetime. We have prayed for exposure of the evils plaguing our nation and they are being uncovered in astronomical numbers. Giants are falling. We’ve prayed “on behalf of kings and all who are in positions of authority—so that we might live out our lives in tranquility and calmness with complete reverence and godly dignity.” 1 Tim 2:2. Our prayers have been answered.
We are seeing the goliaths of the corrupt mainstream media, tyrannical bureaucratic state, and woke culture crumble with the re-emergence of the biblically-based government and society that our country was founded on. But we must continue to recognize where our victories and success come from. Present-elect Trump said, “In America, we don’t worship government. We worship God,” and, “Our country needs a Savior right now. And our country has a Savior, and it’s not me.”
We are truly in a time like that of the Israelites under Joshua, when they saw the miraculous parting of the Jordan River, crossed over into the promised land, and won the huge battle against Jericho. Two weeks ago, we had a crossing of the Jordan and Jericho-level victory.
Shortly after Jericho, the Israelites suffered two major defeats. At AI, “the Israelites acted unfaithfully in one thing: they did not allow everything from Jericho to be destroyed, as God had ordered.” and faced a major defeat. Later, the Israelites “did not inquire of the Lord” when the Gibeonites came with a deceptive lie. The Israelites suffered for centuries from the Gibeonites weaseling their way into their society. If we make the same mistakes the Israelites made by not fully destroying the anti-God leftist culture and not inquiring of the Lord, we will lose the victory we’ve gained. If we fall to deception by embracing sin in the name of tolerance instead of bible-based, Holy Spirit discernment, we will suffer defeat.
The gravest mistake we can make is to thank God for the victory, then tell Him, “We’ve got it from here.” It was not by our might, not by power, but by God’s Spirit that we have gained victory. Our future success depends on whether we can once again become “one Nation under God.” We must stay humble, dependent on God, and prayerful. We must continue to keep God first.
Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. Otherwise … your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God, who brought you … out of the land of slavery … If you ever forget the Lord your God … you will surely be destroyed. Deut 8:11-19
What does it mean to be one nation under God?
God and His word rule over the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of our government, which are patterned after God himself.
For the Lord is our judge (judicial branch), the Lord is our lawgiver [legislative branch], the Lord is our king [executive branch]; it is he who will save us. Isaiah 32:20
All of our government should be administered with justice, compassion, servant's hearts, and righteousness. They are to lead people toward a love of God and love of each other.
Our laws are founded on God’s Word. A nation under God has laws that are aligned with God's word and its principles of fairness, equity, truth, mercy, and protection of god-given rights for everyone.
It is by me that kings reign and rulers enact just law. Proverbs 8:15
Our leaders rule biblically. It is easy for upright people to follow leaders who exercise their authority under God’s direction.
Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority… who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 1 Peter 2:13-14
Hopefully, the season of rewarding those who do wrong and punishing those who do good is coming to an end for America as we justly restore law and order.
Our families reflect God's design.
The strength and health of our nation resides in the family. God created family. Those who want to replace God use the Government to undermine the family with policies and philosophies that make fathers irrelevant as they promote and reward fatherlessness. They use Marxist-influenced schools where family values and the religious foundations of families are corrupted, destroyed, and discarded. With nearly 30% of Gen Z women identifying as LGBTQ+ and 40% (70% of black) babies born outside marriage, we have a long way to go in restoring God’s plan for families. That’s why God is raising up the Remnant Church to restore His “Focus on the Family.”
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her … Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right… Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord. Eph 5:21-25, 6:1,4
Our culture represents God's kingdom. America has the destiny and mandate to promote and protect the unalienable rights that God endowed upon us. We are to protect life, liberty, women, children, and the unborn. A godly culture encourages strong men and healthy families with a mother and father. It fosters social responsibility and cares for the needy without forced redistribution of wealth. It rewards those who are diligent and faithful in their work. It punishes those who do evil and gives opportunity to everyone. Jesus came to bring God’s kingdom here on earth. He commissioned us to be ambassadors to re-present His kingdom. A biblical nation is blessed and is a blessing to the world.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD… and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. Psalm 33:12, Gen 12:3