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Words Matter

K. P. Malone

Updated: Aug 6, 2024

Prior to the presidential election in 2008, Barak Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Since that time, our nation has undergone significant fundamental changes. One of those changes is how we define America’s form of government. When the Democrats and the main stream media refer to our form of government, they use the word democracy.

A democracy is a political system whereby people elect leaders to make laws and govern as they please. The ideal of a democracy is universal equality, wherein citizens, regardless of hereditary class distinctions or privileges, elect their leaders. A democracy, however, also gives politicians unbridled power to make laws as they please while providing no inherent protections or rights for the people.

The word democracy has become so entrenched in our political discourse, that if you asked the average American to define our system of government they would likely say we have a democracy. But in fact, we are a Constitutional Republic.

In a Constitutional Republic, leaders are prohibited from governing as they please because the Constitution severely restricts their powers. The deft beauty of our Constitutional Republic is the ideal of individual liberty. The Constitution, which is the law of these United States, was crafted by our founders to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens. Furthermore, nowhere in the Constitution, or the Declaration of Independence, or the Bill of Rights is democracy mentioned. So why the push to use this word to define our government?

The Democrats and their proxies intentionally and consistently use it as a means of subverting our Republic to transform it into a democracy. The strategy is to undermine the authority of our Constitution by changing both the perception we have and the words we use to describe our system of government. As part of that plan, the phrase—a threat to our democracy—is repeated ad nauseam throughout their commentary as a way of characterizing anything they don’t like or agree with. So effective is this strategy that most people thoughtlessly embrace the fallacy that we are a democracy.

The clearest evidence of their intent to subvert our Republic are the blatant and consistent violations of the rule of law as defined by The Constitution and The Bill of Rights. Consider the 11+ million people allowed to breach our borders, the relentless attacks on our rights to bear arms, freedom of speech and religion, and the seditious use of our legal system to punish political opponents.

The Democrats have made tremendous strides to obscure the real meaning of American principles as a way of ushering in democracy. The writers of the Constitution understood and anticipated this danger and were intentional about safeguarding our liberties against the threat of totalitarianism under the guise of democracy. Edmond Randolph, delegate to the Constitutional Congress from Virginia, said, “the general object of the convention was to provide a cure for the follies and fury of democracy.” Alexander Hamilton, delegate from New York, said, “Real liberty is not found in democracy.” John Adams said, “democracy will envy all, contend with all, endeavor to pull down all. And when by chance it happens to get the upper hand for a short time democracy will be revengeful, bloody and cruel.” Adam’s summation of the evils of democracy clearly points to the unbridled lawlessness, destruction, duplicity and vitriol emanating from today’s Democratic Party.

When asked what kind of government the convention had given America, Benjamin Franklin replied, “A Republic—if you can keep it.” Franklin understood that in time, Americans might be tempted to trade the freedoms of a Constitutional Republic for the guarantee of supply and security promised by a democracy. To this concern Thomas Jefferson remarked, “They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

We pledge allegiance to the Republic—not to a democracy. So when you hear the words—threat to our democracy—what those words really mean is the advocation of the shredding of our Constitution and our liberties along with it. Words matter.

Source: The Constitution of the United States of America and The Bill of Rights. Available in bookstores—for now.



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