Be More
Positive Enterprises

Developing creative ways to bring solutions to America’s high juvenile delinquency and the increase in crime and violence
Larry "Coup" D. Veal 678.333.1227

Blessing to the Nations
Leading the lost to Jesus Christ and equipping those saints to build the kingdom of God
Gary Vanover 678.860.5016
Email: gary@ablessing2nations.org

Seed of the Sower
Reaching men, women, and children with biblical based teachings through radio and developing partnership in media
Isac and Helena Silvano 404.424.2245
Web: seedofthesower.com
The God Mobile
The God Mobil hosts evangelism tents at fairs and other events throughout metro Atlanta
Bob Elsaesser 404.580.0989
Email: bob3015@aol.com
Power in names

Revealing the power of God given names to help believers develop and grow in Christ
Curtis and Bobbie Minter 678.592.5045
Email: rlim777gap@yahoo.com
Web: power-in-names.com
Deep Healing
Ministries of Atlanta
Glorifying God and unleashing his people through healing prayer and deliverance while
educating, training, equipping, coaching and encouraging other believers to do the same
Email: rgartrell@outlook.com

Battle Worth Fighting works to RESCUE men’s identity, REDEEM men’s past, and RESTORE men to their God-given mission through testimonies, teaching, and transformational relationships.
Simon Chabinga Global Ministries

Bishop Simon Chabinga ministers to and oversees churches and ministries reaching Zambia, South Africa, Ghana, the United States and . . .
+27 73 152 2777

Pastor Fredrick Yaro
A Blessing to the Nations Church
Ghana, Africa

Pastor Fredrick Yaro and A Blessing to the Nations Church in Ghana, Africa minister to people in prisons, hospitals, and remote villages. They do evangelism, winning 430
inmates to Christ, and meet the spiritual and material needs with the love or Jesus, the father heart of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Contact: Whatsapp Pastor Frederick +233 24 314 2204

Aaron works with CRU at Kennesaw State University through relational discipleship to help students KNOW Jesus, GROW Spiritually, and GO tell others.

Barry Cox
Barry is a retired teacher and State Championship-winning football coach. Barry is a prophetic equipper and trainer with the Dunamis Project helping people connect and cooperate with the Holy Spirit and engage in Spirit-Filled ministry. (Privileged to be a part of 3 State Championships; including being the QB coach at Allatoona HS in 2015, Cobb County's 1st state championship.)
Since being born-again and baptized with the Holy Spirit in 1976, the Lord has gifted and called me to teach His word and to act prophetically. After retiring, the Lord has called me to the Dunamis Project and a podcast called Being a Truth Teller in a time of Great Deception.
The Dunamis Project is a series of 6 Conferences designed to see God's people baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit to equip them to expand His Kingdom through doing the work of His ministry! Links will be provided to explain the 6 conferences and give details of how to register for the current conference.
During the Covid Pandemic and the George Floyd riots, the Lord spoke to me in prayer that He was calling me to be a watchman. When I asked how, He called me to do a podcast. Shortly after agreeing to obey His call, a storm struck and knocked out my Internet. The enemy overplayed his hand simply confirming God's call. I have now done over 85 podcasts covering things from discerning our times, to the deception of the Critical Theory, to climate change, and how to be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
Reaching the Nations Ministries
Reaching the Nations Ministries connects with churches to equip every believer with simple keys to reach and disciple Muslims.

Website: https://rtnministries.org/home
william king

Spanning 4 decades, William King has held up John 3:16 signs at golf, football, soccer, the Olympics, and other televised sporting events throughout the world. He and his wife, Tamacia, minister through education, compassion, and community involvement in the Pittsburgh neighborhood of downtown Atlanta.
A student radical in the 1960s and early 70s, William served as the president of Toronto’s Rochdale College. Rochdale was the Mecca of hippiedom and the largest co-op residence in North America (once hosting 28,000 visitors in a four day weekend). In 1975 he discerned that a world government will use the cashless economy to impose an evil dictatorship. He got saved when the 666 in the logo of the Montreal Olympics led him to Revelations 13. A dream showing him God’s answers to today’s political questions led him to enter the 1984 New Hampshire presidential primary with the gospel as his platform. At the end of the campaign, he met Rollen Stewart (Rainbow man) and started putting signs on TV.
tim day

Tim Day is an email blogger, bible teacher and serial Twitter poster/reposter. We call his collective works
“Daylight with Tim Day - Bringing the issues of the day to light.”
Tim’s Twitter feed is a great way to stay up on current events away from the Mainstream Media.
Tim has Two Email Blogs:
Historical Pandemics and Perspective is a comprehensive overview of what in the world is going on. It helps to lift the mask of the narrative that hides truth behind much of what is widely reported about current events.
Streams et. al. is a collection of scriptures and quotes from classic bible commentators and devotional writers along with bible based historical quotes.

To subscribe to one or both of Tim’s email blogs, contact him at: tim.day@mindspring.com
TO connect with TIM
Tim’s X feed: “Tim - ain't buying the narrative - Day” is: @tim_f_day
TruthSocial @tim_day.
Telegram @TreyBone

Evangelist Kelechi John
Kelechi John Nlemadim is an Evangelist with a passion for preaching the grace, love, and goodness of God that leads people to Jesus as the Truth that sets the captives free.
Web: kelechijohn.com
Kelechi John YouTube Channel
jesus touched me ministries
Ron Bolt is the founder of Jesus Touched Me Ministries. He has held multiple positions in Corporate America and been an Executive Coach for over 1,200 executives. He is a healing evangelist who has led multiple hundreds of people in salvation, miracles, and healing.

Ron Bolt â€(770) 827-7220
To plant new churches in cities in Belarus and Ukraine where no evangelical church presently exists.
To work with orphanages to head off a looming sociological disaster when an entire generation of young adults, who have known nothing but an institutional social background, will be unleashed on the Belarus/Ukraine society.
To reach young adults at the University and High School level and bring them the Gospel message of Jesus’ saving grace.

Support Thrive Academy Atlanta at no cost to you through the Arete Scholars GA Tax Credit Opportunity.
Thrive Academy is a private Christian school using education as a platform to reach, disciple, and empower at-risk students facing childhood trauma and poverty. Thrive provides student housing, engaging curriculum, and intentional staff-student relationships. Students at Thrive are becoming thriving Christian leaders through education and experiencing the heart of God.