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The American Death Cult and the Candidates Who Support it

It was in the 1970’s that abortion entered into the American conscience. Most people, at that time, viewed the practice as a necessary evil. But today, gleeful tones can be heard in the halls of government on those occasions when pro-abortionists advance their cause. Meanwhile, vitriol finds a voice in those who oppose Crisis Pregnancy Centers because of their work to save the lives of the unborn.

The truth is, the average American knows almost nothing about the history, the brutality or the enormous profits on which the abortion industry gorges itself.

The origins of America’s pro-abortion movement can be found in the works of Margaret Sanger. In his Book, “The 1916 Project,” Seth Gruber deftly traces Sanger’s work to both Planned Parenthood and today’s radicalized Democrat Party.

In 1916, Margaret Sanger laid the groundwork for the American abortion industry when she opened her first clinic in New York City—setting in motion a massive change within American society. Sanger’s plan was to create broad access to abortions in order to control the population growth of certain people groups—specifically people of color. She based her work on the theories of Eugenics which labeled certain people groups as "unfit."

Because Sanger believed human qualities, like intelligence and social behaviors, were inherited, she promoted and instituted controlled selective breeding through sterilization and abortion. Sanger’s work in Eugenics was the basis for The Final Solution, the program used by the Nazi’s to exterminate over 6 million Jews and other undesirables.

Today, there’s an even darker, more sinister side of the American abortion industry.

In 2015, The Center for Medical Progress sent David Daleiden to pose as a laboratory wholesaler to videotape conversations with Planned Parenthood executives, Ann Schutt-Ainé and Tram Nguyen. In the footage, Schutt-Ainé and Nguyen casually explain procedures for extracting late-term fetuses specifically for the purpose of harvesting organs. Schutt-Aine discusses the benefits of extracting late-term babies fully intact because an intact “specimen,” as she calls them, fetches more money on the market.

Schutt-Aine recounts an occasion where she attempted to extract the feet of a late term baby because the mother wanted footprints—presumably as a keepsake. She then boasted that she was able to extract both the baby’s feet and hands for prints.

The acquisition of these video came at a price. After Daleiden released the videos, the National Abortion Federation obtained a federal injunction prohibiting its access by the public. And in March 2016, California Attorney General Kamala Harris ordered agents from the California Department of Justice to raid and seize the videos. Then Harris opened a criminal investigation against Daleiden.

Kamala Harris recently joined forces with Minnesota Governor and abortion advocate Tim Walz, by choosing him as her VP. Regarding his stance on abortion, Walz said, “My record is so pro-choice that Nancy Pelosi asked me to tone it down.”

In 2023, Walz signed legislation allowing abortion at any point of pregnancy—including up to the moment of birth. He repealed protections for babies born alive after surviving abortions, ensuring that no medical measures were required to save them. The babies are left alone to die.

In 2023, over 1 million babies were aborted in the U.S., that’s more than 2700 a day. The abortion industry, which values the lives of unborn children merely as a commodity to sell for profit on the open market, are highly incentivized to perform abortions. More abortions equal more profits.

What rose out of the evil, ungodly precepts of Sanger’s Eugenics is now manifest in the brutal harvest and wholesale of precious, unborn children—a death cult championed by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. What’s more, Democrats are banking on abortion being the deciding issue that secures a win for them in the upcoming election. And they may succeed if voters remain ignorant of the vileness of its history, the cold brutality of its practice and the obscene profits earned by the death cult that is the American abortion industry.


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